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Top CMMS features

Not sure what features to look for when selecting CMMS or maintenance management software? Here's a list of the most important work order features.

Industries served by Maintainly CMMS

Maintainly can be used in just about any industry for managing and executing preventative & reactive maintenance on any asset.
Here are some of the major industries that we serve:

white lightening bolt clipart on transparent background


This is where Maintainly got it’s start! Maintainly is the most utilised product of its kind in the renewable energy sector; serving thousands of wind turbines, solar stations, hydro facilities and other energy facilities worldwide.

white heat with medical + inside it on transparent background

Healthcare / Medical

From hospitals to clinics, Maintainly helps document and formalise the regular maintenance of critical, expensive medical devices, in addition to generic assets.

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Property Management

From rental properties to condo and association management, Maintainly can sync tenant or occupant maintenance requests with the registered assets.

Clipart icon of a simple government building in white on a transparent background

Public Sector / Government

Transparency & predictability over a large number of public assets spread far and wide. Maintainly helps you streamline maintenance activities and manage safety & risk.

clipart icons of two trees in white on a transparent background

Agriculture & Farming

Make sure you’re ready to go when the timing is crucial by planning preventative maintenance well in advance. Suitable for any type of plant or equipment related to agriculture & farming.

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Crucial for the planning of scheduled / preventative maintenance to fit in line with production schedules.

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Maintainly is ideal for early learning centers, kindergartens, schools and universities to track and manage maintenance across classrooms, playgrounds, cafeterias, dorms, and campus facilities with features like maintenance requests and scannable asset QR codes.

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Set maintenance schedules that won’t inhibit the fluctuating requirements of running numerous construction projects simultaneously. Suitable for large machinery to smaller assets alike.

Clipart icon of a house with front door on a transparent background

Hotels & Vacation Rental Properties

From hotels to short and long term properties, including vacation homes, track all of the various home, condo, townhouse, room, kitchen and bathroom issues with features like maintenance requests and scannable room QR codes.

Maintenance Management

Clipart icon of briefcase

Work orders

Quickly create, plan and track tasks that are preventative (scheduled) based either on time or meter readings, or reactive (unscheduled) such as breakdowns, retrofits, etc.

white check mark icon


Create pre-defined or on-the-fly lists of things to be done. Maintenance checklists can also be added to task templates and used with preventative maintenance tasks to maintain consistency from work order to work order.

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Maintenance requests

Accept maintenance requests via a private link then choose to approve or decline them.

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Meter Readings

Task asset meter readings to provide insights into the health, performance, and condition of the assets. Meter readings can also drive automations that trigger preventative maintenance if the readings are outside of pre-defined thresholds.

Preventative Maintenance (PM)

Set & forget. Create one-off or recurring automations on any asset and let Maintainly create the PM work orders when they fall due. If based on a meter reading, readings outside of the defined thresholds will trigger that task automatically.

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Work time tracking

Add technician time for an individual or a team in one go. Multi-day, multi-time-slot capable.

two white chat icons overlayed

Maintenance team communication

Each user can comment on a work order independently. See who said what and when.

Box icon represents inventory

Spare part & consumables consumption

Search for and add major components or consumables from multiple stock locations.

white asset hierarchy icon

Asset changeouts

Quickly swap assets from a hierarchy with just the serial number.

connected tasks icon

Unscheduled (corrective) maintenance

Add a new tasks at any time for breakdowns or general maintenance and assign a defined work types from your custom list.

white refresh icon

Bulk work order creation

Same task required on multiple assets? It's easy with Maintainly Bulk Tasks.

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Technicians & contractors management

Tasks that are suitable for your in-house technicians, and external contractors alike. Control which work sites technicians can access.

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Work order approvals

Optionally include task approval for billing/departmental/cost centre tracking.

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CMMS reporting

Know what was done and by who. Track by site, cost center or run reports for client invoicing.

page report icon

Custom task labels

Create a list of custom labels to quickly convey information to your maintenance team; things like whether a task is approved to commence, is on hold, is awaiting spare part delivery, or perhaps is work-in-progress.

Asset Management

connected tasks icon

Flexible asset hierarchy

A hierarchical asset structure that you can actually view as a hierarchy, not just a list of assets!

Clock icon turning back time

Asset history & audit trails

Research the exact work (both preventative & unscheduled) that has been performed on any individual asset within your hierarchy.

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Smooth PM workload

Set individual start dates on every PM automation to ensure your preventive maintenance workload is kept at a consistent, manageable level throughout the year.

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Asset movement tracking

See the history of where an asset has been.

alert sign exclamation mark inside triangle

Safety alerts

Draw user attention to issues (eg. safety concerns) at a particular asset.

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Get a full report of current assets, including unique identifiers like serial numbers. Or search and report on the history of individual assets or commonalities between assets.

Materials & Inventory Management

truck icon

Inventory levels

Updated automatically when shipments are added or parts consumed in a work order.

clipart of mechanical cog of a transparent background

Maintenance part kits

Plan future inventory requirements based on pre-defined material kits.

Box icon represents inventory

Inventory cycle counts

Small, regular, dynamic inventory counts to help improve the monitoring of stock levels.

white dollar sign in circle icon

Manual stock adjustments

Manually alter price and/or quantities following a stocktake.

White pin icon for location

Multiple stock & shelf locations

Add multiple locations and define which work sites can access them.

white measurement icon

Unit of measure

Define the unit by which a material is both purchased and consumed via a work order.

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Minimum & maximum stock levels by location

Make inventory ordering a breeze by setting the minimum and maximum levels for each material, at each location.

Supplier lead-times

Define an individual lead time for different suppliers of the same material.

white QR code icon

Material QR code printing

When shipments arrive, just print off the required QR labels and apply directly to the spare parts, or the the warehouse shelf. Scan using the Maintainly mobile app to consume in a task.

white refresh icon

Re-order reports

A little assistance on what to order and when never goes astray.

shopping cart icon

Spare part purchases

Create purchase orders, place internal requests, or receive shipments from any number of suppliers.

Clock icon turning back time

Back orders

Multiple shipments for the one order? It’s no problem with Maintainly’s back-ordering capabilities.

Transfer icon

Inventory transfers

Why buy more stock unnecessarily? Transfers makes it easy to track the movement of materials from one stock location to another.

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QR code or no QR code, quickly confirm or alter quantities during or after a stocktake with all inventory changes tracked down to the individual user.

white icon represents log

Inventory log

Stream all instances of inventory change by name, number, location, and user.

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Consumption reports

Know instantly what materials have been used and where.


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Maintenance work time tracking

Time entries on tasks tracked to the minute. Multi-day, multi-time slot capable.

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Auto-populated technician timesheets

Remove the need for double-entry with technician time sheets that auto-populate using data directly from the work orders.

white pizza icon

Driving & break time

Track both independently via work orders.

white calendar with line through it

‘Locked’ user time

Time entries on work orders locked after completion.

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Timesheet approvals

Option to approve timesheets on a daily or weekly basis.

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Report who is working where, what type of work they’re doing, for how long they’re working, and how that compares to other users.

Capture payroll-specific data.

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