We're here to help
Our Help section allows users to find most answers in just a few seconds. But of course if that doesn't cut it then we'll always be here to assist and support you.
We've put together some helpful tools and information that will assist you in developing internal presentations for your organisation.
If you're looking to take things to the next level, our API lets you develop your own integrations. Check out our developer materials to see what's possible.
Got a question on the tip of your tongue?
Start a chat with us now for the fastest response.
Yes. We take data security seriously at Maintainly. Our servers (we use AWS; one of the world’s largest cloud providers) are hosted in a world class data center that is protected by 24-hour surveillance and we make every effort to ensure that our application is always up to date with the latest security patches. Our data-center is also EU safe harbor compliant and all our plans include SSL encryption to keep your data safe.
You do. Always. Forever.
When you sign up, you’ll instantly get access to our top plan for free for 14 days with no obligation and no credit card required. After 14 days you’ll automatically be switched over to the free. You have the option to sign-up to a paid plan at any time during or after the trial period. You can upgrade or downgrade at any time and your data will not be impacted. You can manage plan & add-on settings from System > Billing in the web app.
No. If you cancel before the end of your billing period then you’ll retain access until that billing period is over. Any usage, including during the trial period, falls under our current Terms of Service.
After the free period has concluded, if you choose to subscribe to a paid plan, we'll charge you that day for your active users for one billing period (month or year), in advance. From then on you'll be charged or credited whenever a user is added or archived, calculated on a monthly pro-rated basis. For Enterprise customers being invoiced from a purchase order, this works in a slightly different way, with invoices being issued at the end of each month; contact us for details if this billing method applies to you. Check Terms of Service for billing methodology.
The Maintainly Social Impact Program covers both not-for-profit as well as for-profit organisations that have a significant community impact that aligns with Maintainly's own core values. This includes heavily reduced plans (or free, depending on status). Get in touch and we can provide more details.
Credit card or PayPal payments will get you the best deal. But if your company would like us to accept a purchase order, or accept any form of offline payment, then please contact us.
Paddle is our sales & credit card processing partner. If you are paying by credit card, you will be purchasing your subscription directly from Paddle; that's why you'll see Paddle listed on your credit card statement. For details on how payments are processed, check our current Terms of Service.