July 7th, 2023

Time-based preventative maintenance management explained

Patrick O'Meara By Patrick O'Meara

Time-based maintenance management refers to a maintenance strategy that involves performing maintenance tasks based on predetermined time intervals or schedules. This approach assumes that assets will require maintenance at regular intervals to prevent failures, ensure reliability, and extend each asset's useful life. Time-based maintenance is typically used for assets that experience predictable wear and degradation over time.

The time-based maintenance management process involves several key steps:

Asset Assessment

The first step is to assess and classify assets based on their criticality and maintenance requirements. Criticality refers to the asset's impact on business operations and the consequences of failure. This assessment helps prioritize maintenance efforts and allocate resources effectively.

Maintenance Planning

Once assets are assessed, maintenance plans are developed for each asset. These plans outline the specific maintenance tasks to be performed, their frequency, and the resources required. The plans may include activities such as inspections, lubrication, cleaning, component replacements, or system overhauls.

Work Order Generation

Work orders are created to initiate maintenance tasks. A work order typically includes details such as asset identification, description of the maintenance task, required materials or parts, estimated labor hours, and any special instructions or safety precautions.

Work Order Scheduling

The generated work orders are then scheduled based on the maintenance plans and available resources. The scheduling process takes into account factors such as equipment availability, technician availability, and the impact of maintenance activities on production or operational schedules.

Execution and Completion

Once a work order is scheduled, the maintenance tasks are performed by qualified technicians. They follow the instructions outlined in the work order, use the necessary tools and materials, and adhere to safety protocols. After completing the maintenance tasks, technicians update the work order with relevant information, including any observations, measurements, or repairs made.

Data Capture and Documentation

Accurate data capture is essential for time-based maintenance management. Technicians record maintenance activities, including task completion times, materials used, and any findings during the maintenance process. This data provides a historical record of maintenance activities and helps in analyzing asset performance and identifying patterns or trends.

Performance Analysis

The captured data is analyzed to assess asset performance and the effectiveness of the time-based maintenance strategy. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as asset downtime, mean time between failures (MTBF), and maintenance costs are evaluated to identify areas for improvement and optimization. This analysis helps in refining maintenance plans, adjusting maintenance intervals, or identifying potential asset reliability issues.

Continuous Improvement

Time-based maintenance management is an iterative process that requires continuous improvement. Based on the performance analysis, adjustments can be made to maintenance plans, schedules, or strategies. Lessons learned from previous maintenance activities can be used to optimize future maintenance tasks and increase the overall efficiency of the maintenance program.

By implementing a time-based maintenance management approach, organizations can proactively maintain assets, reduce the risk of unexpected failures, and ensure the reliability and longevity of their equipment. It allows for better resource planning, minimizes downtime, improves safety, and enhances overall operational efficiency.

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